Why is video record...
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Why is video recording not allowed on casino floors? Are the reasons a legit concern?

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Admin Stoychev
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I think it has to do with privacy and perhaps the protection of players. Imagine you get a win and your video is circulating online and the next thing you know people are asking you for money. Its not cool.ย 

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Also, if youโ€™re recording, there are bigger chances that someone is helping you from the outside.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 91)
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Like has been stated privacy of the patrons most likely. Not everyone that frequents casinos wants people knowing about it i guess

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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Player privacy and protection of their interests.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@ishtar Never thought of it this way. Interesting perspective on this but I can see how that can be somehow plausible

Admin Stoychev
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Privacy of the people involved is the prime concern.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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Simply because there's a lot of laws regarding violation of security and privacy. In the first place, someone should have been monitoring players or standerbys.

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