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What's a sure fire way to get kicked out of a physical casino?

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Skibidi Rizz
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ย - winning too much

ย - taking picture / video

ย - anger issue

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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probably recording in the premises.ย 

maybe physical altercations tooย 

ive recently been seeing people get kicked out too when winning alot as @tituskirt said

Admin Stoychev
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I would say inappropriate attire. But maybe there is leniency when it comes to that. I also think filming is prohibited? For various reasons like privacy and the comfort of patrons and players.

Admin Stoychev
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@heyitsky They be like, ' Sir can you please follow us and have a little talk' hahaha

Khalid Bedouin
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I think mostly it has to do eith your behavior. I mean no one would like to socialize, let alone play, with a dork. So, short-temperdness will get you out.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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Taking Photo/Video or try shaking slot machines is the way to go i believe.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@tituskrit Or imagine getting dragged away from the table all of a sudden. HAHA but I highly doubt they would do this. They would probably be low key about it to avoid disrupting other players

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Recording, fighting, rude behavior towards staff. Basically breaking the casinos rules and causing a chaos

Admin Stoychev
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@anton Yeah, this is one of the greatest gambling stories about a MIT team. It's a well-known by now, but if anyone is interested, they may check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QflVqavHHM0. ย 
There's also a movie inspired by this case called '21' (2008): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478087/.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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Getting drunk, being loud and acting rude to everyone around staff included.

Admin Stoychev
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Although I don't have any personal experience, but from what I have heard; start counting cards loudly at the blackjack table, or try to sneak photos in a high-stakes area. Casinos take their rules seriously, so anything that disrupts the game or breaks their policies will have security escorting you out fast!

Admin Stoychev
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Oh I know! Get drunk, scream and puke everywhere 🤣ย  I feel like every casino has experienced this lmao! But in a more serious side, it's definitely actively cheating or doing some shenanigans in the table of any game or putting out signals.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@facebook-hadihammadi I could definetely see how disrupting that could be. Rules are rules; and sometimes you don't only get kicked out. I believe others get banned too.

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