Are astronomy and g...
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Are astronomy and gambling interconnected?

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Admin Stoychev
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@graham I agree. I share some of the traits of my horoscope sign. However, when it comes to the important decisions and gambling, I always trust my guts.ย ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Hi everyone so sorry for the mistake; and yes I meant astrology. Although I was able to read up about it and how it can be used in betting I think ultimately its better to rely on your own luck, skills, and strategies as those are more reliable as well as tried and tested.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I think there are those who believe in this for particular reasons but personally I don't believe in this. I don't think they are at all interconnected but due to articles and maybe word of other people that other started to believe there was a connection or made the connection between the two.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I do not believe in astrology at all so I do not think that they are interconnected. I believe that luck is not related to astrology because it is mostly focused on things about you and I dont think luck can be predicted

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Astrology? More like 'astroLOLogy' when it comes to gambling. If my horoscope says itโ€™s my lucky day, I might buy a lottery ticket, but thatโ€™s about it. Stars can stay in space; my bets are staying on Earth!

Admin Stoychev
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Okay guys, this is definitely an interesting topic and I couldn't help myself. So I did some research and while my sources are not scholarly, I got some fascinating information. Apparently, in Vedic astrology, its possible to win bets using their system. So, for one to be lucky, they need a strong 5th house <source>. The 5th house is characterized by fun, politics, romance, and gambling - prediction and easy gains. Now, as for signs that you have a strong 5th house, you can read more here. You might also find this book ย interesting. Its called Gambler's Dharma: Sports Betting with Vedic Astrology.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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I dont use it but i understand people who do. And sometimes a little belief can push you to your next winnings.

Admin Stoychev
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Bruh, if you're using astrology to pick your bets, you might as well ask the moon to pay your bills. Stick to stargazing for your crush, not your cash!

This post was modified 1 month ago by Prashant Sharma

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-prashantsharma Haha, well I share your opinion. 😀

Skibidi Rizz
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i don't know about gambling, but there are many crypto / stock analyst out there who use astronomy for their forecast

Admin Stoychev
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Astrology is something that not a lot of people believe in compared to "luck". It's definitely controversial to some but well to each their own I guess. Skills and knowledge are still needed at the end of the day.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@adtya Hahaha makes perfect sense Adtya; I know I would probably do the same. Completely relying on astrology for your luck or winnings is definitely not the way to go.

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