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Do you prefer to gamble alone or do you like to have company?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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When gambling or playing at a casino would you want a friend tagging along with you? Or would you rather go alone? Is there even a difference?

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 66)
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I like playing with a friend preferably if we go as a group that would be good too. I do not like to play alone because it can be lonely at times and it seems personally not fun for me.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I would prefer having company with me if I go to a casino to gamble or play. I'm not comfortable going out let alone by myself so I'd rather have someone along with me.ย 

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I like to be alone with my thoughts in most cases when it comes to games, but sometimes company is good.

Admin Stoychev
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Usually I prefer doing it with at least 1 person to be with just for emotional support and for someone to help control my decisions


Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I think if I will play maybe by myself. I think it will be too distracting to play with a friend. I think for gambling you will need to concentrate so better to be by yourself.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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Id prefer alone but its also not bad and a fun experience to do it with friends

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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Alone so that I can focus. With company it can be distracting.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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i like playing with company. cause after the game we tease or trash talk a bit for fun.

Admin Stoychev
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I like playing with company for feedback. It adds a hint of confidence knowing you are not alone.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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Is there any fun in gambling alone?! Depends on your kind of person i guess. For me definitely with company adds more spark and fun to the experience.

Arnie B
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Iโ€™m cool either way, but having a friend with you can make it more fun, especially if you hit a win or need someone to talk you down from a losing streak. Going solo can be nice too if youโ€™re just focusing on the game.

Admin Stoychev
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I play by myself. Although, having a friend along can make the experience more fun and social, plus they can help keep you grounded. But going solo lets you focus and stick to your strategy without distractions. It all depends on the vibe you're after!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Thanks for all the responses everyone! I had great fun reading up on your answers for this question

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I love having company whenever I gamble. Thereโ€™s something exciting about the shared experience, whether itโ€™s celebrating a win together or just having someone there to keep things light when your luck isnโ€™t on the right side.

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