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Despite it's convenience and perks what are the risks that come with an online casino especially for the youth?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Online casinos have become very popular in this day and age due to its convenience, accessibility and ease so many have flocked over it to it as opposed to visiting a casino in person. Thought has its advantages and perks what are some risks you think it may pose especially for the younger generation?

Admin Stoychev
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The biggest risk for anyone playing at an online casino is addiction. For new players it is a world of excitement where they can immerse themselves in gameplay and it is easy to get carried away. I know some young people that fell into this trap and it took a lot of effort and patience to get out of it.

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I agree with Graham. I think the biggest risk is addiction too.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I think the major issue in this is falling into a gambling addiction; this is mainly because younger people especially those that are new tend to lack discipline and can easily become immersed into the excitement. It may also be peer pressure as well if their friends or people they know are heavily into gambling and they may want to impress or fit in but not have the financial capacity or control to keep up.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I think it would be negative early exposure whether through friends or venturing by yourself out of curiosity. A majority of the youth especially those who are minors or have only recently turned 18 are still a bit immature and may not have the discipline or proper decision-making skills to venture into the world of gambling.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 66)
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The many temptations especially because online casinos may sometimes provide offers or deals. This may cause teens who are curious or are pushed by friends to spend money to avail the deals that are being given at the time.
