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Sunderland City Council mulls gambling's impact on public health

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I stumbled upon this article online. For those don't want to read the main point of the article is that "Sunderland City Council has launched a consultation into its licensing policies for betting firms. The new draft aims to reduce "gambling-related harm" and address its impact on "individuals, their families and close associates".ย 

What are your thoughts on this one?

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Well we've all seen some of the repurcussions of uncomtrolled gambling habits so I think this is a good step. It isnt just the player suffering the counsequences but also family and other people. At least its continuous raising awareness for these types of things. I'll read the article soon but based on what you've said I think its a good start.

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We often forget that gambling affects not only the player but also the environment around them. It's a nice initiative, and I hope it will have good results.

Admin Stoychev
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This is interesting as Sunderland is in my country. I didn't know that individual cities or counties did their own reviews like this and even had their own gambling laws - you learn something new every day. I will definitely keep an eye on this to see what the city recommends and what impact this would have on UK gambling laws (if any).

Admin Stoychev
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@heyitsky yup I totally agree.

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Will have to see how and how much well it is implemented. In my opinion it is a very difficult thing to manage.
