I stumbled upon this article online wherein women in Surrey struggling with gambling addiction could soon benefit from a new initiative, thanks to a £300,000 grant. What are your thoughts about this? I personally think it is a good initiative but it should also help men as well.
What is the money for? Building rehab centers or? Otherwise it will just escalate their addiction
Yeah I'm curious too, is the money for therapy or rehabilitation?
It seems like I didn't attached the article in my caption. You can view it here. It seems like the support is leaning towards 'recovery-focuses community network' , although they do not clearly state on whether they are going to create rehabilitation centers, I assume it is somehow similar to that.
@evcj_ They should mention for what that is and it should be done towards men too then as men are more addicted to gambling if we look at statistics here
@kayden48 Yeah, I think that they should also consider men too. Also, I see you're display picture is Kayden Break, I enjoy Eleceed as well. 🤣 🤣 🤣
@evcj_ It is common in the UK for "women only" initiatives to be started by councils or government. I don't personally have a problem with this being only for women but I can understand why others would take exception to the fact that it doesn't help men.
TBH I am pleased to see any initiative which is designed to help addicted gamblers. As you say, it is not clear how the money will be spent but with GambleAware behind it I am confident that they will do some good with this. If it works for women in Surrey then I would not be surprised to see this initiative rolled out to other parts of the country and for men to be included as well.
It would be fair if both sexes received the amount. Support is a good idea when it comes to addiction.
Why this disparity with men. I mean here in my country most of the betting is done by men, women are quite less in comparison. So their should be equality.
Yo, £300k for the ladies only? Bro, addiction ain't picky, throw some of that cheddar to the dudes too
It's a really good initiative and positive help's always welcome but like you said it should also target men as they make of the larger percentage of the gambling demographic.
@adtya 😅 most likely they would and this is just the start up of the initiative, hopefully it'll be expanded and the men included.
This is great but i feel the men are been hard done by on this one.
@facebook-bawootaigho I am sure that any benefits from this will be rolled out to men in good time. You have got to start somewhere and I would like to think that there are less women facing the problem of gambling addiction than men. It can be really difficult to manage these initiatives if there are too many people involved so I hope this is one of the major reasons why they only chose women for the test.