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Have you ever tried crypto mining?

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Admin Stoychev
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A lot of investment is needed imo if you want to start crypto mining. Also before you do, please research first about the whole market before randomly doing this because this involves a lot of risk.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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@facebook-samanthadelafuente Yes it takes a lot of investment from what iv seen a lot of times it seems the returns are not so great on average either.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 91)
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@facebook-samanthadelafuente What kind of risks are you referring to if i may ask?

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Nah, itโ€™s too expensive, just the electricity bill makes it not worth it some months, I canโ€™t imagine how much all the other equipment costs.ย 

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@facebook-bawootaigho Exactly, thereโ€™s just a lot of instability going on with the global economy right now, this is not the right time to invest on crypto.

Skibidi Rizz
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@facebook-jaynejohn how hard is it? and what are the challenges ?

Admin Stoychev
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Not sure but most people I know says it cost a LOT. Not just with investment but the amount of time, effort and electricity bill involved is quite high. But some people say it's worth the risk. Personally, if I wanna start this I would consider first my personal time and schedule because you need dedication and proper research about the market.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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@lucianop Did you come across the story recently of some crypto miners racking up crazy electricity bills at the airbnb they were staying at. The owners of the airbnb claimed the miners made about 200k or so.

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I have once thought about it but when i started researching, it turns out that the mining rigs are really expensive and I decided to back off, until I found out that I can mine something called a verus coin using my android. It's really slow and yields barely anything but if you have some extra mobile phones lying around in your house then out them to some use. If you think this is something you might be interested in then I can hook you up with the video link of how to set it up and mine verus. Not a financial advice though, just something I personally found to be useful in my earlier stages of crypto.

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-prashantsharma Yeah, or just buying crypto itself..

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