Which Bingo Pattern...
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Which Bingo Patterns Have Appeared Most in Your Sessions?

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Admin Stoychev
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There are a lot of common patterns in Bingo and I'm curious to know which patterns have you gotten most in your games.

Admin Stoychev
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I am not used to play Bingo at all. I've tried for 1st time last year in USA on 4th of July. But as I remember the most popular is 1 line pattern. Someone with more experience with this game? @graham?

Hungry for knowledge ๐Ÿง

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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Well we have this bingo nights at my job before for that 9month contract, i won 5 blackout bingo pattern.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I don't play bingo all that much although my grandmother did a lot. I think most of her patterns were one lines or either full house. She played bingo for quite a while before she passed and would be there almost everyday where the bingo games were held. Guess it was a big past time for her.ย 

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The straight line pattern mostly i think and i feel its the most occuring pattern as well, caveat been that it's based just on anecdotal evidence of courseย 

Admin Stoychev
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@anton Bingo is extremely popular in the UK and I have played it many times in bingo halls. There are 90 numbers in the standard UK game (there are variations of this) and each bingo card contains 15 numbers in a 3 line system with 5 numbers on each card. I have attached an image of this for your reference.

Usually, in the UK players will win a prize (usually cash) if they complete a line or all of the numbers which is a "full house". Sometimes you can win by completing 2 lines as well and even the 4 corners of the bingo card. You need to bring a "marker" with you to the bingo hall and as numbers are called out you can "mark them off" your card. It is a very simple but enjoyable game to play and is pure luck of course!


Arnie B
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hmm i haven't played bingo that much to notice which pattern appear the most, but my most fave patter is definitely blackout!

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I'm not a big bingo player, but B and O Bingo and Straight Diagonal.
