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NFL games

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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Curious if any one here bets on U.S. NFL games. I have a friend who is an avid follower of these and he does great most times.

Admin Stoychev
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As I live in Europe it's hard for me to follow USA sports and I don't bet on them.

Admin Stoychev
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@pkyonze I sometimes bet on NFL when I found some value in the odds. But I don't enjoy watching that sport. I even don't know the rules of it 🤣 But I love basketball and NHL 😎ย 

Hungry for knowledge ๐Ÿง

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Iโ€™ve bet on NFL games several times without watching a single match. I used to follow some tips and predictions from a Telegram channels, but honestly, itโ€™s a risky move to bet without really knowing about game.

Admin Stoychev
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Even if I'm outside the country, some of my friends in the US let me know about these and usual tell me information about it although they're the ones who participate in lol

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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@dany yeah. it can be difficult especially with the time differences.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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@anton haha. A lot of non-Americans don't like it. I enjoy college football more.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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@adtya are those tips from telegram reliable? my friend prefers betting live.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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@ray yeah, if you time zone is not far apart, then it can be easy to follow and place bets on as well.

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@pkyonze yeah sometimes it really works but tbh it's a very risky decision

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Wouldn't recommend them, I think all of the games are clearly rigged.

Admin Stoychev
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Its a very risky situation because the games are unpredictable, very unpredictable one time your team is winning before end of the game u already lost so its trickyย 

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I generally follow the NFL regularly, I find it exciting. However, The difference in Time Zone have always made it difficult for me to bet on it.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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@quantumpulse time zone difference can be a B sometime. But when you catch a good one you could win some.

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@pkyonze yeah . I'm trying to be more regular now. Gotta place those bets somewhere , Thats for sure 😆

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