Vloggers at the pok...
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Vloggers at the poker table

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@facebook-bawootaigho I feel you. If they can keep their space and not distract the players, respect personal space and the game, then no qualms.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@ray agreed 💯. Moderation should be a priority in these scenarios.

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It must be very annoying for players when vloggers are talking and filming. It's so so distracting and I personally would hate it. I think it should be stopped completely! Especially don't by shoving cameras on their faces

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@divine yeah, but when you watch the videos of the bloggers youll see there faces, others players are like avoiding the vlogger haha. of course youll end up annoyed and game face is really not there at all

This post was modified 1 month ago 2 times by Anonymous

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@divine Maybe she is using her mobile phone. I assume because of the quality is not as sharp as a regular camera but the quality is still good. I think casinos should also ban the use of mobile phones or at least monitor them just to prevent them from recording because it can cause privacy problems.

Admin Stoychev
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As a gambler, I gotta agree with PokersNews on this one. Vloggers at the table can be a real pain in the ass. We're there to play poker, not star in someone's YouTube show. It's distracting, intrusive, and can mess with the game's integrity. Plus, not everyone wants their face or play style broadcast to the world. Poker's about reading people and the game, not worrying about being on camera. If vloggers want content, they should stick to tournaments or set up private games. Keep the cash games sacred and camera-free. It's about respect for the game and the players.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@kayden48 EXACTLY 💯. Ugh! It's so annoying!

kayden48 reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@evcj_ agreed! Privacy is a huge concern and casinos should enforce strict measures.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@facebook-yemburzalkhan hahahaha! "Excuse me sir, I'm here to play not star in your You Tube video 🙄" haha. But ona serious note, cameras in the face of the players and the commentating can be infuriating.

Admin Stoychev
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I don't think vloggers should do their thing at the table. Many people play in secrecy and vlogging exposes them, it also compromises their security in case of sizeable wins

Admin Stoychev
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@divine Definitely, I remember that video of ronaldo where a reporter was almost forcing the mic at ronaldo. And ronaldo, as goated as he is, grabbed the mic and threw it into the swamp.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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Yeahโ€ฆ wouldn't want someone up in my face when trying to focus. Its off-putting and could be very distractingย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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If they are present they probably shouldnโ€™t be a distraction to the others especially during the competitionย 

Admin Stoychev
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@divine It has been a while since I played at a real poker table for serious money. Vlogging was not a "thing" then. I find it hard enough to concentrate at poker, especially with really long games, so if there was someone there with a camera providing a commentary I think I would lose it LOL

Don't get me wrong I am not against vlogging. There are some very interesting channels on YouTube where people are vlogging their travel adventures etc and this is fine. In the main, this doesn't cause any problems to others. But at a poker table where everyone is trying to concentrate and there is money at stake will never be acceptable to me.

Admin Stoychev
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Nahh I say put your phone away already!ย 

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