Vloggers at the pok...
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Vloggers at the poker table

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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I came across this clip from PokersNews podcast and they were expressing how much they dislike vloggers doing commentary and filming at a poker table. I think that's a valid point. I don't wanna in be people's content and I would be annoyed if a vlogger was all in my face and table in the name of content. What are your thoughts on this?ย 

Admin Stoychev
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Their opinion is valid. Honestly I'm surprised this isn't part of the rules and regulations of the house or the casino to avoid recording of any sort unless permitted. Vloggers are getting out of hand disrespecting privacy.

Admin Stoychev
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I can understand why a lot of poker players would find this annoying. In the bigger tournaments, there is often a lot of money to play for and the last thing you want is for someone to shove a camera in your face when you are making very important decisions. I would certainly not be happy with this.

The guy has a point about elevating the game by allowing vloggers to do their thing but surely there must be a way that they can do it without upsetting all of the players at the table. It is a difficult balance to achieve but it must be possible.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I agree with graham, i saw some videos that the other players gets distracted and annoyed. Get them off there game plan.

Arnie B
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Totally agree. It can be pretty annoying when vloggers invade your space at the table. Poker is already intense enough without adding extra distractions from people filming. 🙄ย 

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Yes poker tables should be sacred ground, not a vlogger's playground. When Iโ€™m calculating my next move, the last thing I need is someone recording me for clout. If youโ€™re here to film, then maybe youโ€™re not here to play.

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I agree with them as it can be 'distracting' whenever someone is taking a video and it may lead to loss of focus and may cause you the game. Also it feels like your personal space is being invaded if someone is recording you, but I did some research and found out that cameras are already prohibited in some casinos. You can read more here.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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I don't mind them as long as they don't do anything to necessarily interfere or distract from the game. When they do that's when there's a problem. Not necessarily a big fan of them though.

Admin Stoychev
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There should be rules and regulations with regards to vloggers filming or recording the said sessions/games. Moderation is 100% needed and if there's no one there to facilitate or monitor these vloggers, they could possibly be even breaking laws against privacy acts. This is also the reason why some Casinos prohibits or don't allow video recordings unless it's theirs when playing.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@facebook-samanthadelafuente I think the vloggers in question are the ones doing commentary on a game and perhaps have permission to do it but regardless , it's kinda annoying.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@graham I completely agree with you. When you have to acutely focus on a game, having cameras in your face can be irritating and annoying. Maybe over time a solution will come for both parties to do their thing without too much Hussle.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@facebook-sonnyborja hahaha. No one wants a pesky around them when you are focusing on a game and have money to make 😁

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@abaes can you imagine!!! When you are trying to focus and someone is all up in your face... Grrrr! I'd be raging 🤣

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@adtya let the church say amen to this because yes! 😂☝🏾

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@evcj_ yes most casinos prohibit cameras. I'm actually curious where vloggers are allowed. I found this You Tuber. She takes the audience with her to the casino.

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