Workplace Gambling
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Workplace Gambling

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Admin Stoychev
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As an office manager, I've seen some employees do gambling even at work. Obviously, this is not a proper way to go as there are rules and regulations to be followed. Even so, some employees are just hard-headed. But I wanna know, have you guys ever encountered or experienced gambling in your workplaces? And how was it controlled or stopped by the management? What would be the best solution? Would like to know your takes!ย 

Admin Stoychev
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When I was a telephone engineer many years ago I worked with a group of guys that liked to gamble. They used to do this in secret at lunch time. I was never invited to their games but I had a good idea where they used to go. The game that they played was poker and it was interesting to see the faces of these guys after lunch. You could usually tell who had won and who had lost!

I worked with this team for around 6 months and they were never caught by the management. It was a sacking offence to gamble on company property so they were taking a big risk. They were based in a large telephone exchange in Central London and there were always places to hide. To me, it wasn't worth losing my job over and I wouldn't recommend anyone do this. Most employers take this very seriously.

Admin Stoychev
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@graham Wow 6 months of being able to hide that is no easy feat lol! I guess the secret places helped a lot. Im also obssessed with poker but I could never risk my job just for this when I can just play at an actual one in my free time or day-offs. Did they ever stop though or you have left the job and never heard of them again?

Arnie B
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I've heard of it happening in some places. Seems like setting clear rules and having regular checks could help.

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-samanthadelafuente I didn't keep in touch with the guys so I don't know if they were ever caught. I did see some of them quite a while afterward and they were still in the job so I guess that they either got away with it or stopped doing it.

I am sure that quite large sums of money took place in these games as well. I noticed that some of the guys missed a game for a while probably because they were broke from losing! This took place in the late 1970s so I guess now if people want to gamble at work they do it secretly online. It is still very risky IMO.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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Ive never experienced it, but i think those sites might be blocked off like the way torrent sites are where i work. And you have to connect to company wifi. So nah.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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Posted by: @graham

When I was a telephone engineer many years ago I worked with a group of guys that liked to gamble. They used to do this in secret at lunch time. I was never invited to their games but I had a good idea where they used to go. The game that they played was poker and it was interesting to see the faces of these guys after lunch. You could usually tell who had won and who had lost!

I worked with this team for around 6 months and they were never caught by the management. It was a sacking offence to gamble on company property so they were taking a big risk. They were based in a large telephone exchange in Central London and there were always places to hide. To me, it wasn't worth losing my job over and I wouldn't recommend anyone do this. Most employers take this very seriously.


It's always the faces 😅


Skibidi Rizz
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gambling while working ?? its a big NO. it will certainly affect your productivity at work. if i were the boss i will fire them right away

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Hahaha, that seems risky! Do you know if they were fired?

Admin Stoychev
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Oh definitely, even at College, which is worse lol. I don't know how these people have the courage to break the rules and defy everything because of gambling. I think honestly it's already a psychological addiction thing because if they can't control their urges to do this then professional help might be needed. With that said though, when I was working in a call center agency a group easily got caught despite hanging out and doing this on an abandoned floor, they didn't get fired but they were suspended and their income was decreased, along with being placed to a different account. They were lucky they didn't get fired as our job required to 100% focus on customer service but they were choosing to do stuff like that even at work hours. They definitely stopped doing it after and one of the guys resigned lol.ย 

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I've yet to encounter gambling at work myself, but it's fascinating (and a bit shocking too) to hear how common it might be. I might agree with those who mentioned that it can have a serious impact on the workplace productivity and it can even lead to some biggers problem, like addiction.

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I think the only solution to this problem is for companies to have robust policies and their strict enforcement and execution as it might be the key to preventing this issue. Management should also be vigilant and attentive for this kind of issues if they arise as it is important to solve this issue, and maybe even offer support or counseling for those who might be struggling with this issue.

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I don't know about workplace but in university I have seen people gambling. I don't understand why they do it in college premises. Why not do it in the comfort of their home? Workplace is even more risky as you can get fired or strict actions taken against you!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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i worked on the crew ship before and gambling is everywhere. one time if i remember itย  correctly it was 2015 bet was about nba basketball and its playoff everyone was in the crew-mess watching the game. two nationality was against each other bet was over 100k usd they chip in the indian group bet on cavs and the filipinos was betting for gsw. and you can hear them shout across the ship. the officer knew about this and they have bets as well so yeah even its illegal they didnt stop it at all.

Khalid Bedouin
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I don't know about work-places. But in our high-school days, boys would be betting while the teacher was teaching. And, when the teacher would find out, it was entertainment for the whole class.

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