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Who would you like to invite to be a member of your team while playing a game.

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I would like to invite my sister because she is honest and have an active brain.

Admin Stoychev
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It is difficult to decide to answer your question without having a little more context (even if it is hypothetical).For example, what game would be playing? Is there any limit to the criteria for selecting that person?ย 

Idk, I stayed a little bit 🥴 here hahahahah.

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Could it be any game? I would honestly invite someone from my circle of acquaintances who is the logical type and knows the rules and techniques well.

Admin Stoychev
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If the game was poker then I would invite my cousin who I have talked about many times here. He is a great strategist and one of the best "bluffers" I have ever come across. I haven't thought through how we could work together to win more at poker. Any ideas?

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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It would have been my grandfather if he was still alive. He was always so into gambling and was a very smart man when it came strategies and analyzing. He would be an extremely valuable player

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@abelbm It can be any game that involves betting and you have stakes in. And it can be any of your favourite games.
