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Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

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Do you think you'll win a bigger prize? Do you have any vacation plans? Are you used to planning, or do you live spontaneously?

Ray reacted
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I see myself as a good player as I don't have that much experience in gambling but I trust my gut that I will win a prize 😄ย 

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
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  • Hopefully in a better place! There was once a time I was fully into gambling that I was just giving it all in, thankfully though I learned my lesson quick enough and ever since then I treat it with full moderation and balance, ensuring that any wins or loses won't really affect me in the present or future, I still wish though that one day I get a bigger prize. And for the extra wins I try to save them up as much as I can 😃

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Hopefully I will have more money by gambling or by my main job to enjoy life and go on an international vacation!

Stormy w
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I'll be play and winning bigger prizes. With regards to vacation, I'd love to go to Monaco. All in all, justย  progression like any other aspect in life.

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5 years seems like a long time, Iโ€™ve just become an adult, so by 23 Iโ€™ll be finishing my Economics degree, at the same time, living with my parents would definitely be off the table, so Iโ€™ll probably already moved out by then.

Admin Stoychev
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I do have some plans for the next 5 years but they don't include gambling. They are mainly to do with my business ventures. Gambling is something that I do for entertainment. I am not trying to get better at playing casino games for example because I normally only play blackjack and I have been practicing that for years.

I am not convinced that it is a good idea to include gambling in your future plans. I am not saying that you shouldn't gamble in the future but I would not rely on the winnings to pay for vacations and other things. Of course, if you are, or intend to be a professional gambler then gambling is your future plan!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I do have some plans but I like to live spontaneously as well. Plus, I've learned that sometimes no matter how much you plan it sometimes doesnt go that way. The world can be very decisive sometimes

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@heyitsky the level at which I relate to this 🤧. Like yes I do have framework of where I wanna be but I flow and ebb with life as it comes. Cheers to that mate 😆

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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I will say I often don't usually have big plans as I usually don't even have a roadmap but I hope in 5 years I will be living somewhere in the countryside doing plenty of large-scale farming 😁 imma feed you all hehe.ย 

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@heyitsky That's true. I agree with you. There are situations when, despite your planning, things turn out differently.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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Oh I don't have any big plans in particular at the moment; I feel like there so much that can happen in the next five years that it's difficult to plan. Plus, even if I did make plans how sure would I be that things won't change so I'd rather go with the flow but maybe prepare myself for anything.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@divine hahaha I know life can be so unpredictable especially now. It's so much better to just go with the flow and then just be ready for whatever life comes at you with. Life is way too shortttt. Enjoy that life of yours!

Admin Stoychev
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I will have definitely upgraded my gambling strategy or something close to that. Life is quite unpredictable, so I choose spotanietyย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I do not have a lot of plans at the moment since I think that five years is too far for now. I think for now I would like to focus what I can do now and not so much just plan.

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