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What skills do you require to become a professional gambler?

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Also, do you know anyone in your environment who is a professional gambler?

Admin Stoychev
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Professional in which gambling form exactly?

Admin Stoychev
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My cousin is a professional gambler. He has been making his living from gambling for a number of years now and got me interested in gambling many years ago.

I know that he doesn't place bets every day. He makes most of his money on horse racing and uses betting exchanges like Betfair and Betdaq. He lays bets all of the time which means that he is acting like the bookmaker. With horse racing, the favorites do not always win. This is particularly true with National Hunt (jumping over hurdles and fences) racing.

So, he will scan the markets for good lay betting opportunities and then he will lay certain favorites. What this means is that if the favorite fails to win the race then he will win the bet. He uses this approach for flat racing too but he told me that he is always more successful with NH.

It can be risky laying horses because if it does win then you as the "bookie" may have to pay out a lot. The trick is to lay short-priced favorites so that the risk is minimized. If you want to know more about lay betting then this explains it well https://caanberry.com/how-does-lay-betting-work/

One of the key skills that you need to succeed as a professional gambler is discipline. You need to establish a "bank" on a spreadsheet and keep track of your profits and losses.

This guy likes to play online poker and online casinos like the rest of us do. He takes poker pretty seriously and is good at it adding to his betting bank. When he plays at online casinos this is just for fun and he doesn't care if he loses because he only makes small bets.

Hope this helps!


Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I'm not familiar with this or know of any professional gamblers personally but I look forward to reading about it from other commentors here. I think it would be insightful to learn about it.ย 


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Stay focused, be patient, know when to quit, discipline and have full knowledge about the game.

Stormy w
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A professional gambler just like any other profession will need to study and have in depth skills for their profession. In this regard, they will need to know the games in and out, have analytical skills to decipher games, and importantly learn how to manage risk.ย 

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@dany In any kind. My question was about a person who has made a professional career out of any kind of gambling and makes a good living from it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I think a major skill a professional gambler should have is patience and collectiveness. I think you need to learn to take the time to think about your strategies before making a decision and remaining calm at all times allows you to think clearly.ย 
