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What is your opinion about the scandal that broke out with gender athletes at the Olympics?

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Admin Stoychev
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What is your opinion about the scandal that broke out with gender athletes at the Olympics?
At this year's Olympics in Paris, we witnessed a huge scandal related to gender athletes. Algerian boxer Imane Khelif was publicly attacked for her gender and accused of faking the samples. What do you think about the scandal and what's going on? Should gender-swapped athletes be allowed to the Olympics? It's a very sensitive subject and many people are negative. What is your opinion?

Admin Stoychev
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I am one of those that has negative thoughts about this. It is not fair IMO that former male athletes compete in women's events because they have had a sex change. Everything else will be the same as before and you cannot argue with physiology and the fact that usually males are stronger physically than females.

What is your take on this Maria? Do you think it's right that gender-swapped athletes can do this?

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 66)
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In all honesty I think that when it comes to sports regardless of how you identify or if you have had a sex change they need to categorize you by your biological make up according to the gender that you were born in. Male and female body structure alongside other factors will never be the same. There is just too much of a difference in physicality such as strength, endurance, and the likes.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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I share the same opinion. It's not fair for the female athletes to compete against male with swapped gender. Did you see how the italian boxer Angela Carini was crying and she refused to play? Check that video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ2HTJrb8aI&ab_channel=Eurosport

That's not FAIR at all 😥ย 

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First of all that Imam khelif is not a male. She is physically stronger and it is not fair to attack her just because of her body. I agree that a man toward a woman in games is not appropriate and this shouldn't happen.

Stormy w
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This Olympics there are no trans athletes, however, since it's a hot button issue it was bound to come up and Algerian boxer Imane Khelif has become the scapegoat for this issue. She is a woman, with a higher level of testosterone which gives her an advantage in the ring. Pushing the dangerous narrative she's not a woman should not be tolerated in any way shape of form. Let's face it, biological advantage is part of sporting talent. For example, rugby players are huge, because the nature of the game they need the physique. A high level of testosterone is an advantage to a female athlete, it does not make them a man, and they should never be disqualified because of it

Lewis W reacted
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@hildaw I totally agree. Having a strong body is notย  sign of being a man.

Stormy w reacted
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Obviously it wouldn't be fair for former male athleted to complete in female categories all because they identify as a woman but what i was most disappointed with concerning this was the fact that wrong information was circulated with nobody fact checking until the damage was done. Fake and wrong info on the cyber space is a big problem and i trivialized it then but it needs to be paid attention to. News should be fact checked against reputable sources before been shared to prevent damage to reputation..

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@hildaw Totall agree, the Algerian's career and reputation could have been damaged on this false alarm of a scandal. The irony been that she had lost about eight or nine matches against other women beofore.

Stormy w reacted
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@hildaw I totally agree with you!

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I heard about this happening and I think this is completely unfair. Based on physique alone there is such a huge difference. I wish that the olympics had considered this knowing they would receive backlash about this.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I think it was an inappropriate choice to allow this in the Olympics. There has always been a difference in strength and physique when it comes to men and women. This would have put one of them at a disadvantage resulting in an unfair win.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I think it is not good because it takes away the fairness of the games. I think if there will be a competition the players need to be somewhat equal or it will be unfair for all.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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I agree that naturally born males should not participate in female sports but i think Imane was proven to be a complete woman.

Admin Stoychev
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@hildaw Unfortunately people are not interested in the facts and were very quick to give an opinion.

You're completely right about people having physical advantages over others too.

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