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What is the safest games you can play when gambling?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I've read that when it comes to trying to win in gambling its both luck and using the right strategies that work best for you. In your opinion, what's one of the safest games you could play where you have some control or higher probability of winning?ย 

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In my opinion, there aren't really any safe games, and it really all comes down to luck or a good strategy. Take a reasonable/affordable risk. Maybe I would say Roulette. Always set your limits.

Admin Stoychev
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All forms of gambling have an element of risk. The only game of skill that I can recommend is poker (not video poker) where you play against others. No matter what kind of hand you are dealt in poker you can decide to play it a certain way and win overall.

But it takes time and practice to be good at a game like Texas Hold'em. If you are interested then I suggest you learn the game properly first and then read about the different strategies you can employ when playing such as https://upswingpoker.com/quick-poker-tips-texas-holdem/

I wouldn't say that playing poker is safe but the better player you become the more chance you will have of winning.

If you are interested in sports betting then you need to do your homework before placing bets. What is the most likely outcome? There are no "sure things" with sports betting and sometimes the underdog will win.

When it comes to casino games I recommend blackjack as probably the safest. Roulette is all about luck as are slot games.ย 

Hope this helps.

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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This was insightful especially not deeply familiar with casino games too. I've been trying to read up on more articles about gambling and casino games and these will definitely be things I'll explore more on.ย 


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@graham that's true every game has its own risks and benefits.

Admin Stoychev
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@graham Very insightful take again and I agree with all the points. Just seeing this post now and just realizing that it's very important that people actually know first the stakes to everything they do especially in gambling.

Admin Stoychev
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Probably poker because once you master it you can have an advantage honestly. Like what others said above. Games that revolves around strategy and tricks, not just luck.

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@Anonymous 55 Its actually very good question to figure out before diving deep into gambling. In my personal opinion I would say that blackjack is probably the safest casino games out there because of its perfect blend of luck and strategy.

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Blackjack is not perfect by any means but it is actually very good as it gives you more control over the outcome compared to pure luck gamaes such as slots. But even with all the strategy in world remember one think always , The House always wins.

Admin Stoychev
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@leo Any gambling game has risks my friend.

Admin Stoychev
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@ray Thanks I am glad that the post was useful. Yes it is very important that people new to gambling understand that the risks are real. It is all too easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about the risks. The casino owners and sports betting bookies know this and it probably accounts for a lot of their income.
