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What is a positive effect that gambling has had on your life or on you as a personal?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Did you gain new friends? Did you find a new hobby to keep you pre occupied?ย  Did it push you to travel or go out to interact more?

Admin Stoychev
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The most positive effect that gambling has had on me is developing my self-discipline. When I first started I wanted to gamble on anything and everything. Over the years I have learned to control myself and only make a few select bets as I do today.

If I had not made this change then I probably would have spent all the money I had on gambling. I might have had some big wins from this - who knows? But something tells me that I would have lost most of my money and this would have caused me many problems in life.

Gambling creates such a "high" that it is easy to lose control and bet more than you can afford to lose. My advice to every member here is to work on their self-discipline to avoid addiction problems. As I have said a few times, know how much you can afford to lose and stick to this. When I started to do this everything changed for the better.

There are many benefits from having a high degree of self-discipline apart from with gambling.

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It made me more confident, I learned to believe in myself more, and it even helped me to gain more patience.

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Discipline, having plan, curious to learn more and many other positive effects.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I would say meeting new friends and learning casino games that my father used to play. I grew up watching him gambling amongst his friends for fun. -

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Meeting new people and enhancing my skills. I love interacting with new people and this is one of the best way to do it especially in a physical setting. Apart from that I get to hone my skills such as analytical skills that are helpful in many other situations.ย 
