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[Closed] What happened to Bay blade culture?

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I remember resuming at a new school and most freshman unraveling their Bay blades at the first weekend of boarding schoolย 

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The second season was difficult to access, so everybody stopped watching the show.


Khalid Bedouin
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I remember, we used to use literal thread to spin those. Amazing days. By using thread they used to spin so fast that sparks would erupt from the clashing. But, nowadays not so many people are interested in it. I guess, advent of smartphones is one of the reasons.

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Man, Bayblades were the original battlefield sparks flying, kids battling like it was life or death. Nowadays kids just swipes screen the whole arenaโ€™s gone virtual.

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It's not that really popular here where I'm currently residing, but it had its fair share of spotlight when it was trending, here in the Philippines we have a more traditional toy that is almost similar to Beyblades. I will be attaching an image below for your reference.



Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
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We use to bet on this as kids lol. Even if it was just small pennies or dimes it was worth seeing the matches and it was very entertaining when I was a child. I do think though one major factor why it fell off is because of the rising of technology and internet during those times. It basically made a lot of things and not just beyblades be completely forgotten by everyone else. I don't even see these things normally in the market anymore except online stores when you search for it. Still, it was fun collecting these and buying different gears and designs for it.

Admin Stoychev
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Great weren't they?

Everyone got an ipad these days!
