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What do you do after you lose a large sum of money?

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I always played carefully, so this never happened to me. But I am interested in whether it has happened to you before and how you rebuilt yourselves afterwards.

Admin Stoychev
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The only time that I lost a lot of money gambling was with sports bets. When I place these bets I always do my research so they are not just impulsive. This bet was the closest thing to a "sure thing" that I could have put my money into and of course it lost! There are no "sure things" in gambling or it wouldn't be gambling would it?

I don't like losing sports bets of any size so what I do after a loss is to focus on something else. I used to dwell on these losses which is no good and will just put you in a depressed state of mind. So, I learned to concentrate on things away from gambling so that I could get my act together again.


Admin Stoychev
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Nothing you can do actually. Just play sports, spend time with family and friends and slowly forget about the loss.

Hungry for knowledge ๐Ÿง

Admin Stoychev
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If you make a bet, which for you is "a lot of money" you've already made a mistake. Never bet more than you can feel comfortable losing.

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I take a break and try to focus on other stuff for instance work, family and hobbies.

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@dany I completely agree with your perspective.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Take a break from gambling for a bit and maybe take some time to do other fun stuff or spend time with family. Basically until the feeling subsides. Losing is a part of gambling and eventually you learn to deal with it over time.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I would probably laugh and think about how to better as a player. I think it's important to learn to accept losses and dwelling on it would not benefit me anyway

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@facebook-sonnyborja Very true; always be smart about these type of things. Losing isnt everything and you just need to find a way to bounce back

Khalid Bedouin
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I haven't lost any such huge sum. But if I did, I'd probably reboot my circuits and start fresh. Losing money stings, but bouncing back is all about learning from it and making smarter moves next time.

Admin Stoychev
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I'm a person who overthinks a lot, and if I lose a โ€œlarge sumโ€ I can't get it our of my head for days. But eventually with time I forget about it.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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Quick self-reflection and quick moving on. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do anymore and you have to accept the fact you made choices with consequences. Just better learn next time.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@facebook-samanthadelafuente That's right. The best way to come back from a loss is to learn from it. That way you don't make the same mistake twice and come up with a strategy that may work better
