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What are the impacts of gambling on the economies of nations?

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Admin Stoychev
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I guess there are benefits to the economy of a country. There is increased cashflow amongst individuals.

Admin Stoychev
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I guess there are benefits to the economy of a country. There is increased cashflow amongst individuals.

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Depends on how you look at it. Right now only negative effects are coming to my mind. Like gambling addiction, people taking loans to gamble, families getting destroyed. Lots of theft and chaos due to gambling sites and casinos. Honestly I kind of can't think of a positive impact on the economy right now but other members might write down their thoughts and help

Jumper Red reacted
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Gambling boosts the economy by keeping people broke and the government rich🤣🤣.Itโ€™s a double-edged sword some people win big, but others can lose everything. The impact on the economy depends on how well itโ€™s regulated.

Jumper Red reacted
Admin Stoychev
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@blaqy_chan But will this not happen only if a significant percent of the people are gambling? Which I think only a small percent of the population gambles. I could be wrong.

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-jaynejohn those are some great points. Thank you.

Admin Stoychev
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@kayden48 I see what you mean. But when people lose money, then casinos gain and they have to pay taxes which means the said money goes back to the economy one way or another? However, I agree that the negatives are equally heavy and can affect the people doing the gambling and maybe have an impact on the economy.

Admin Stoychev
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@adtya I like that you said that its a double-edged sword. Truest words spoken 😀

Admin Stoychev
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@django I couldn't understand, how can it affect the economy. I mean how can it reduce GDP per capita of a country. I mean how I perceive it is; it generates tax for the government and income for the players. Isn't it a win win situation for both?

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@facebook-jumperred I understand that you mean the flow of money here as a positive impact in the economy. It does make sense. I agree with you on that and your last lines as well

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