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What are the impacts of gambling on the economies of nations?

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Admin Stoychev
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I'm curious about this topic. How does gambling impact the economies of nations?ย 

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Perhaps if done irresponsibly, purchasing power of people affected could nose dive and this could worsen quality of life and reduce GDP per capita. Just thinking about this off the top of my headย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 91)
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I don't think it impacts the economy significantly to make major swings. It generates jobs though which adds value, creates a lot of opportunity for cash transctions which might count for something, not too sure. Would love to hear others take on this.

django reacted
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@facebook-anikeadaeze Nah, it affects economics of a nation very well.

Why do you think gambling is not allowed in some places and any other place where it's allowed it's "regulated" ?

Data analyst and crypto enthusiast

Jumper Red reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I think it would affect the nation's economy well if done right. Gambling and casino can result in job opportunities and earnings for the country. We know how big and popular gambling is so its a good choice to boom an economy

Jumper Red reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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I think gambling and casinos also influence tourism. Eg: Las Vegas, Macao, Monaco etc. Increased expenditure by the tourists in these places definitely has a positive impact in the economy. From gas consumption to other indirect services that facilitate one having a good time when gambling coupled with the direct spending of money in casinos, job creation etc. I think all these factors positively influence an economy.ย 

Jumper Red and django reacted
Stormy w
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The positive impact of gambling on the economy is that the government earns taxes that it can use to provide social services to its citizens. Another positive is that the gambling economy also creates employment both directly and indirectly.
The downside is that it comes with a social cost. Issues arising from gambling include addiction, breakdown of families, crime, money laundering, and human trafficking, among other vices.

Jumper Red and django reacted
Admin Stoychev
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The capability of the gambling business to generate tax revenue is a critical economic benefit, allowing increased government investment in essential services and infrastructure.ย 

Jumper Red and django reacted
Arnie B
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@divine i second this!

Skibidi Rizz
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i think it brings a very positive impact to the nation's economy. In fact, Cambodia has a very massive growth in the past 2 years due to their online gambling businessย 

Jumper Red reacted
Admin Stoychev
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@heyitsky This makes sense. gambling creates job opportunities and that's a positive.

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-skibidirizz ooh. That's very interesting. Cambodia should be a case study for this.

Admin Stoychev
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@hildaw ahh, taxes. That's a huge one and I agree, those taxes then are used to finance government projects that will benefit the citizens.

Admin Stoychev
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@divine tourism is such a great point.

Admin Stoychev
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@django would you say it has its benefits and negatives? Like why would gambling be prohibited if it has the ability to benefit a country?

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