So sad...
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So sad...

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Khalid Bedouin
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My account got accidentally deleted, as I accidentally clicked on the red icon in the profile section. I had built connections with many people on that account. And was happy using this amazing site. But now it's lost. This is my new account. I hope I'll connect again with y'all.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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Hi, Khalid. I'm sorry about your account. And welcome back. You'll definitely make more connections don't worry. This community is very cohesive and helpful in every way.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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Hello Khalid, if you don't mind me asking what was your previous username here? is it the same as now?ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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Hi Khalid; so sorry that you have experience losing your account here. I would be sad if I lost mine also and already had friends. Maybe you can let the admins know your concern for some help.

Khalid Bedouin
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@ray Yes, it's the same as now.

Khalid Bedouin
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@facebook-ryanobedencio I contacted the admins and they were quite helpful, once I told them about the issue they contacted the Site Developers to get it fixed. Special thanks to Mr @anton, he handled the situation quite professionally.ย 

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I'm sorry that this happened, but welcome back here and I hope everything will be fine. This forum is amazing!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@khalidbedouin That's good to hear! Hope everything was able to be settled Khalid and best of luck
