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Red flags in Casinos or Casino games

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Admin Stoychev
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Do you guys notice any immediate red flags when you enter a game or a casino in general that makes you change your mind after knowing it? Maybe by the rules, the players or the place itself? It could be in real life or online. This might also help new players to gauge when trying out.

I would like to know y'alls thoughts!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I would say if the online casino had bad reviews, the game isnt quality in terms of graphic wise etc like issues. For physical casinos though I would start out with popular ones before going to small casinos 'cause I dunno I feel small casinos can sometimes have higher chance of redflags since they mostly or ignored even if they've had issues in the past compared to big and popular ones that usually go viral once they get found out about any bad occurences.ย 

Ray reacted
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The outside, if it looks cheap, youre almost certainly there for a bad time.


Ray reacted
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If it is not licensed, if there's a bad pay-out system, if there are many negative opinions about the page or place; that's all I suddenly thought.

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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For online casinos i would say a poorly designed site with crappy user interface and user experience screams red flag for sure.

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@lucianop but but they say never judge a book by its cover 🥲 hehehe. I understand what you mean though.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@amyxx those are some of the major red flags that are scary. I would steer clear of online casinos or casino games like those just to be safe haha

Admin Stoychev
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Thank you all for the info! I'll keep that all in mind 😄

Arnie B
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Yeah, for sure. If the place feels sketchy or the rules seem confusing, Iโ€™m out. Also, if the other players seem way too serious or aggressive, Iโ€™ll think twice about sticking around. Trust your gut!

Admin Stoychev
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I look at the offered bonuses, promotions as well as the deposits and withdrawal drawbacks if theres anything fishy or too icky about it. Honestly every casino thats what I check first because sometimes just looking at something on their physical attributes isnt enough.
