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How would you feel if by standers were to distract you while you play on physical casino?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I mean theres always a by stander they whisper talks alot does it somehow influence your decision in game.

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I alwaysย try to concentrate only on the game, so it doesn't distract me much. So far, I've been successful.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Are they talking loud? Tune them out! Are they being goofy and pulling stunts? focus my eyes on the game. If it's too much maybe ask the attendant to take care of it?! But at the end of the day you can only control how you yourself react to it.

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It's a good thing to ignore and I ignore but we are human and its something natural that these kind of things distract us, sometimes it distract your mind and it influences your decisions.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Leo

Admin Stoychev
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It depends how distracting they were. If it is just a bit of noise then this wouldn't bother me too much. But if they are really rowdy than I would either move to another table if this was available or ask them to keep the noise down so I could concentrate. Unfortunately, a lot of people in a land-based casino drink too much and this could turn nasty. Make the best decision that you think is right and will avoid any conflict.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@graham Yeah i usually do that just ignore. But there is this time that the by stander is actually telling what card im holding i did call the attention of the staff but they didnt do anything so yeah me and my friends end up leaving.

Admin Stoychev
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Focus on the game, try to be keen as much as possible try to avoid any Major distractionsย 

Admin Stoychev
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I feel disturbed by bystander presence around me so I mostly ignore them by tuning up my headsets

Admin Stoychev
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I distract and annoy them back. Just kidding 😆

Admin Stoychev
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The presence of bystanders on my back is irritating. I have been on a fight once due to that with the bystanders going as far as making fun of my gameplay. We had to be kicked out of the joint

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@facebook-sarahrakiel Yeah. that happen to me and my friend as well, but we end up getting kicked out cause we aren't local.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@ray Wish we can just do that without getting in a fight. cause i would do that always haha.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I would probably be pretty upset but then again I know not to let my feelings get in the way. Maybe distract myself and try to focus on what I'm doing as much as I can if they're not that noisy or chaotic. If it gets too out of hand I'll ask staff for assistance or if its at home where I'm playing in an online casino I'll just simply move to a different area in the house.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I think that I would be very angry because I will not be able to concentrate. I think that it will cause me to become distracted and it will affect myself and my game.
