How long do you usu...
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How long do you usually play in casinos regardless of whether its a physical casino or an online casino?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Do you tend to play longer on online casinos because they're more convenient or do you prefer the traditional physical casinos? How do you limit your time when you play and avoid getting carried away?

Admin Stoychev
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Another interesting question thanks @heyitsky. The truth is that I have never measured how long I spend playing online or how many hours I spend at a land-based casino. I guess on average I will play online for around 2 hours at a time - TBH I find any longer than that a bit boring.

Anything goes with land-based casinos for me. I remember being in a land-based casino in central London once and getting a bit carried away with everything. I was with a few friends and we were all enjoying ourselves so much that we lost track of time. We entered the casino at around 8pm and didn't leave until 4am!

It was very difficult for most of us to get home at that time of night. To make matters worse, it was a work night and we all had to get up early the next morning. By the time I got home it wasn't worth going to bed so it was in the shower, a bit of breakfast and then off to work!

Admin Stoychev
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@graham For me if it's a slot game usually I play significantly less. But when it's a matchday in the EPL....... that's another story. I can stay all day looking at statistics, making bet builders and doing all kinds of different bets 😀

Admin Stoychev
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@heyitsky I personally don't play for more than 30 minutes, maybe less. This refers to the online casinos. As for land based casino I can stay for an hour or two. But more than bores me.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I usually play for as long as my money will last. Once I'm out or I win back some of what I've spent I'll call it a day.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I would play for about an hour or so. I try not to play for long periods of time because I feel it may only cause me to have a hard time walking away even more. So I try to limit my time to short spans although I know others can play for hours.ย 
