How has local casin...
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How has local casinos in your country changed over time?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Have local casinos in your area changed at all since they first opened? Are there casinos that have closed? Have new ones opened? What's your favourite casino in your area?

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 66)
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Local casinos that are near where I leave do not seem to have changed that much. I think that in some third world countries most stay pretty much the same and more new casinos are built over time while old casinos remain the same and are not improved as they should be.

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I think there no changes come across regarding casino in our country. People play the same games as their fathers a d grandfather were playing years ago.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I don't think anything has really changed much. Especially in a country like this that barely cares for establishments like this. It's mostly about the money especially of the casinos aren't that big or popular to begin with.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I think not all that much probably; maybe the big ones have changed quite a bit and maybe have made a few renovations as for the small ones I'm pretty sure they are all probably the same still.ย 

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No in my country they haven't changed much. More casinos have opened up though and I have heard they bribe the police and authorities more so that they do not create problems in their business

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I do not see much of a difference in the casinos where I live. They look very much the same as they were before. So I cannot say that they have changed over time.
