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How do you reconcile gambling wrt your religion

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For a lot of religions gambling is frowned upon and even considered lowly but still a lot of religious persons still participate, so how do you reconcile it with your religion if its frowned upon and let us know if its acceptable. Im agnostic so its perfectly ok for me but i was a christain and remember it causing some sort of dissonance for me as it wasn't accepted in most christain circles and basically had to hide it.

Stormy w
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There are many things that people do that are not in line with their religion. I feel gambling is frowned upon because it's not as socially acceptable a vice compared to for example drinking which is even called the good sin. In the times we live in, I find religion to be more of an identity and not necessarily a way of life. So when you ask someone their religion and they tell you they are Christian but it does not mean they live the Christ like life.ย 

ishtar reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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It's frowned upon my religion but I'm not very open about my gambling habits to my church friends and I dont think it would be any of other business as well. I think there's just this negative preconceived notion of gambling in many religions for a long time and when it comes to religion; perspectives on things like things rarely ever change over time.ย 

ishtar reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I grew in a very strict catholic home andย  my parents were always going on and on about the DOs and DONTs which included gambling. To this day my parents' views have not changed and I dont think it ever will. I dont think I could ever reconcile religion with gambling especially with what I experienced with my parents and how they treated relatives of mine that they aware were gambling.ย 

ishtar reacted
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You can kinda keep balance between gambling and religion. Every time I gambling I observe what is not allowed for me to do or what is allowed.ย ย 

ishtar reacted
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@hildaw Apt. They don't necessarily practice what's in their texts, just an identity. Most haven't even read their texts but somehow still quite judgemental od others.

Stormy w reacted
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@facebook-sonnyborja Thanks for your contribution Sunny but if it goes against your religion, doesn't that mean you're breaking the rules and all that when ypu indulge?! Or are u liberal about your religion hence dont view it as fundamentally as your family and friend?!

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@heyitsky Exactly for me i feel its not possible to reconcile the two ergo trying to understand the thought process of those who indulge and also belong to something that says they clearly shouldn't. Like Hildaw said its just an identity for most basically.

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@leo My pov is that is that there's no balance or even nuance abt this. You'd most likely be braking some cardinal rule or something. That's if you take that seriously in the first place.
