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Have you ever made a rash decision during a game?

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Or are you completely thoughtful in more tense situations?

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
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Once I got several wins in a row, and there's this part of my brain that I can't seem to point out that tickled me and told me to go all or nothing, my physical body wanted to stop but it was a heated moment and I just had to go all out, and so I did, and I lost, basically everything 😆 It's actually embarrassing and most definitely immature (those were my newbie days as well so it was exciting and new for me), but ever since then I really had to work on my own logic and balance because making rash decisions especially in gambling and casinos is definitely 100% risk, unless you're really really prepared

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@ray Immediately i saw "all or nothing" i knew how the story would end up. Was basically screaming no from my inner voice @ my phone 😁. Unfortunately its a story that's all too common. The dopamine from winning hits and you get a little bit cocky and then find out like Icarus you flew too close to the sun. Its all part of the experience though. At least never again. Right?!

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
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Greed got to me once while playing roulette and I flopped out. Never fully recovered from that situationย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I won a few rounds on poker, and my good friend dared me to do all in on one round cause i have pair of aces. But i lost to a full house terribly.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I think there was a time or two where I almost did but I was eventually able to calm myself enough. I think the key to being able to think clearly when things are tense is to know how to manage your emotions and keep your cool.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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Oh yes! When I was trading futures. I tried so hard to recoup the losses that I was placing trades recklessly without following any strategy. Yeh. No wonder I have PTSD from that stuff 😭

Admin Stoychev
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  • @ishtar Lmaoo yeah it's a universal experience 😆

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I once won several times and i don't know what got to me but I ended up putting all of it in the game at once and lo and behold it was all gone in a flash :/

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@ray True that, a couple of similar experiences on this thread alone. Hehe!

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@heyitsky exactly controlling the emotions is the key to prevent loses sometimes.

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@kayden48 I have the same experience and that really hurts to lose all at once.

Admin Stoychev
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I have made plenty of rash decisions while playing a game ๐Ÿ™ These have always ended up costing me money. Believing in "winning streaks" was something I used to do and if I won a few times I would continue to bet believing that the winning streak would continue - it didn't of course!

Nowadays i try to keep a cool head as much as I can. If you win it is always tempting to try and replicate the experience because it is such a buzz. But professional gamblers never do this - they have a target amount to win each day and when they reach this they stop. Betting without emotion is recommended but as I said it's not easy to do!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@graham this is sound advice! I'll remember this next time I play haha. That's actually a good system to follow. Had fun reading about your experience though and I understand why you would have believed in that in the past. Lesson learned is knowledge earned! haha

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I do not remember making any rash decision while playing so far. I think it is because I have not played a lot and I try to be calm when I'am playing

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