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Haunted Casino Stories / Unusual Encounters

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Admin Stoychev
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This is a strange topic but has anyone experienced anything unusual in Casinos? I will share first. There was this one casino in our city which was rumored to be haunted, but in a good way. Basically it was rumored that they built the casino on a land area who has some sort of "luck" magnet and the owners basically believed in cultural superstitious beliefs that's why they built it there. I once tried to get in there as well and honestly I didn't really feel anything or see anything. However there was this one guy that I saw probably in their mid 30s and I was inquiring about the areas in the casino since I was new there. The person was just near the entrance and they looked like they were a personnel in the place so I approached them. After speaking with them, I just went on my way to try some slots until a lady approached me not too long after and asked me if I also saw that specific guy. And I was like, "do you mean that guy I just spoke to? Yeah, I think they're also working here, is there a problem?", then they told me to not freak out because that just means I'm going to be lucky, but another customer called for them so they left and I was a little bit weirded out because that was very ODD to say but I thought maybe that was sort of a customs thing so it just went over my head. I did win my first slots there and I was VERY happy with the results. That was just my goal in entering the place as I was not planning to try any other games that day but I did get curious and a little bit freaked out because I felt like the lady blessed my luck. So I tried to find the lady again in the lobby and thankfully I did. I asked her about what she said earlier and they explained to me that what I saw was someone who worked there from the 90s and he brings good luck to new players that enter the place, and sometimes if he really likes you, that luck will extend to infinity. That's why the business and economy on that casino is so good. The lady told me to not freak out and she was pretty nice anyway but I legitimately felt an out of this world experience and I couldn't process the info I learned and experienced.ย 

Unfortunately not too long ago, the Casino burned down due to a fire accident, though I think it's being rebuilt again but no longer a casino. That was the first and last time I went there and until this day it still amazes me.

Not everyone believes in luck or superstitious beliefs and that's very valid and respectable. But it's still crazy to me when supernatural things happen right exactly in front of you, it's truly an unforgettable experience.

How about you guys? Do you guys have any unusual experiences like this?ย 

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Wow! Pls make more of this, it's super interesting.

Ray reacted
Khalid Bedouin
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Woah, that's an interesting incident. Although, i haven't experienced any such incidents in a casino. But, one incident i can recall is that of my 12th grade. I had just given my 12th grade exam. And, i had done well but i was sill worried whether I'd score good. Now i used to go to a local spring every evening just to relax. One day a bearded man of 40s came there and sat beside me. And, i hadn't seen him before, neither i talked to him about anything. He out of the blue said to me that i was going to be getting a good score in my exams. And, i was shell shocked to the core. I was like how could he possibly know that I'm worried and the cause of my worry. Then he left and i went home.

Ray reacted
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Whoa, that's wild! I have never ever experienced anything like that in a casino, If a ghost gave me luck, I'd probably still end up losing my bets

Ray reacted
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That's interesting. I have never heard of or experienced anything like this.

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
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@khalidbedouin Wow that's pretty chilling. Did you pass the scores/exams? That's like luck manifested into a person

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@adtya lmao! Ye of little faith 🤣😂 how bad is your luck that even ghosts won't balance it out? 😂ย 

I have never experienced something of the sort - a positive or negative haunting in casinos. But I have experienced some interesting phenomenon outside of gambling.ย 

Rewards: $2.20
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Wow, those are quite crazy stories! Personally Iโ€™ve never had a haunted or that kind of wierd casino experience myself, but Iโ€™ve definitely heard about some places that have some eerie vibes. Itโ€™s quuite interesting how few locations seem to carry that kind of energy.

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But if theres those good kind of ghosts please meet me, I will look for you, If a ghost decides to bring me good luck and boost my chances, I tell you I wont be sad ,thats for sure.

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However If we talk of unusual encounters outside of gambling, Iโ€™ve had my share of moments where things were simply too perfectly timed or very odd for it to be called coincidence. Like meeting some stranger who knew exactly what I needed to hear in that moment.

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Ok that's super fascinating although i see it as a coincidence cause correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation, billions of events happen every second so there's bound to be coincidences.Then again the caveat is that i don't necessarily believe in anything paranormal or superstitious. But nevertheless a beautiful experience i must say.

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@adtya Wait! Ypu actually believe ghosts exist and are out there?

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How many of us here believe in ghosts and paranormal activity??ย 

Khalid Bedouin
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@ray Yes, i actually scored good in the exam. It was 97%. I'm still in awe to this day.

Admin Stoychev
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This actually pretty spooky. Relating to this actually, there's a whole list of haunted Casinos in Vegas. Countless reports and experiences of like random manifestations appearing in thin air. It's very interesting to me definitely as I wonder if it's connected to some sort of supernatural belief when it comes to luck.

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