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Do you think online casinos will take over physical casinos? Will physical casinos die out over time?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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As we know, due to the digital age many have resorted to online games and social media apps to pass the time. Today online casinos are now available and can be played from the comforts of your own home. So what happens to physical casinos that are still around? Will they soon be phased out or will they continue to exist and be popular?

Admin Stoychev
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I don't think that physical casinos will die out any time soon. There is something really special about visiting a land-based casino for an evening which cannot be replicated with online casinos. There is usually a good atmosphere and even though most people are losing money they seem to be enjoying themselves.

You just don't get these things with online casinos. I haven't been to a land-based casino for a few years but there are always many people who want to go to Las Vegas and play. The casinos in Macau are always busy and according to people I know in the UK the London casinos are pretty full every night.

Stormy w
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Physical casinos will not die out. My hunch is that they'll evolve and cater to the changing needs and dynamics of the market. The ones that will shut down will be the ones that fail to evolve

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I dont think so. As much as online casinos are popular nowadays I think that physical casinos still attract many customers. It's also a good place to visit especially if you're big on casino and gambling and want to visit famous casinos all over the world.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I dont think so; although I know online casinos will become more popular and change over time I think physical casinos will remain. A lot of people love to travel and you could never compare the experience of a physical casino with an online casino. I think the physical experience of playing in a casino, the ambience, etc is just an experience that can't be replicated with online casinos.ย 

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@heyitsky absolutely. Online casino can not take physical casinos place.

Admin Stoychev
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Physical casinos will not die out anytime soon more like online casinos will complement them

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  • Not possible, humans are social animals and would always look for opportunities to interact and physical casinos give just that. They'll continue coexisting as is though for ease of access.

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Physical casinos will not die out. People will always be interested in them.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Thanks for the responses everyone! I'll read them on my spare time as I've recently began enjoying posting questions myself Haha. Thanks for always humoring my various questions in the forum

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I think my answer will be no for this question. Online casinos and physical casinos are very different. I think physical casinos will always exist because there is more to offer and the experience is very different.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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i dont think physical casinos can phase out. Nothing beats the original!

Admin Stoychev
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Yeah I do think that will happen to a large extent. But, talking about complete eradication of offline casinos, no that won't happen. Because they do have a charm associated with them that people enjoy. I mean the vibe is ecstatic.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@ishtar That's true. We really are social creatures and one of the best way interact and connect is in physical casinos where you canย  meet people. I think that's why casinos are so popular too

Admin Stoychev
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I will always prefer physical casinos because Im more of an outside goer person. And honestly despite the rising fame and success of online casinos, physical casinos still get a lot of revenue and people everyday so it's hard to say online casinos will totally take over.ย 

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