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Do you know your MBTI type?

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I am an INFJ-A. It is quite funny because I take the test every year and my introvert levels are spiking especially during covid, my introvert levels spiked around 70%. But now it is only around 50%, maybe there are a lot of factors that are affecting my test results. Does anyone experience it?

Also for those who are curious to check their MBTI, you can take the test here.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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@ishtar it is supposed to make us feel good about ourselves...'you are the smartest and rarest personality' thing😂😂

Admin Stoychev
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@amyxx Actually I'm still conflicted with being purely INTP so a lot of times i feel like I am but also im not 😅 I probably should take the actual MBTI Test where you have to pay real money to take the exam, all the tests I did was online lol. And yeah you're actually right, it does come in handy at certain times 😄

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@ray Have you tried the Michael Caloz test? ๐Ÿ™‚

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@evcj_ Maybe you have become more confident? Also, during COVID, there was less chance to interact with others, especially in person. Also, we can change ๐Ÿ™‚

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@tituskrit It's true; it can develop complexes or superiority in some. At idle, the idea is not bad, and you can get to know yourself better through it, but it is often based on stereotypes; for example, they have already figured out which type is the most stylish. These are nonsense.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I haven't done the test yet but I think I'm half of both if that's possible haha. Since I know that I'am somewhat of an introvert but I'am also an extrovert as well. Maybe I'll do the test when I have extra time.ย 

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@amyxx Yeah, most likely that's the case since during the pandemic we can't really interact with people that much. Now, I enjoy playing basketball on a weekly basis because it somehow allows me to connect to other people without really communicating with them directly.

Admin Stoychev
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@amyxx well some descriptions are kind of accurate others are amiss. Anyway as a psychological concept maybe it carries weight.. some people say critiquing MBTI is the most INTP thing🤷🏿‍♂️

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@evcj_ Sounds good and even makes you sporty ๐Ÿ˜€

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@amyxx Apt. I had to leave the introvert sub on reddit due to this misconception. You'd see posts with people saying things about not wanting to talk to people or leave the house at all or not wanting people to even ask em for directions or pick up the phone. I'm like that's not introversion, you've got deep seated issues you need to address.

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@divine That's it. Like me for example, people not close to me say i'm too quiet and reserved bit those who get close to me are telling me to shut up talking about stuff i like. So i agree its kind of nuanced but there's a distinction.

Admin Stoychev
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I'd say that I was introverted initially, but somewhere along the line I changed and that's it.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 103)
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I'am not 100% sure about this MBTI type and only very limited in knowledge on what an introvert and extrovert is. To my understanding I think maybe I'am an extrovert since I'am also an outgoing person.

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@ishtar What you mentioned sounds more like anxiety. Unfortunately, many people misunderstand introverts and build on stereotypes.

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