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Do you know your MBTI type?

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@amyxx omg! I feel seen and heard! 😂 If I'm conversing with someone I'll tell them, "aaah, lemme just text you!" Forming coherent thoughts when I'm talking feels like I'm on an intense mushroom trip and it's chaotic 😂. Also, it's possible to get conflicting results because you know people are beautifully complex and multifaceted and some may fit into a particular group while others not and have different aspects to them. 🤗

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Admin Stoychev
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But I feel its not a valid personality classification as mbti is more like a pseudo science.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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ENFJ last time I checked

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Ohh I'm not familiar with this but hoping I learn more about it. Based on the comments and info given though I'm an introvert despite not doing the test yet. Haha.ย 

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@divine It's not easy, that's for sure. ๐Ÿ˜€ Especially since introverts are also quite different from each other. As you mentioned, people are complex.

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I see quite a lot of INTPs and INTJs. ๐Ÿ˜€

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I am not really sure about my type because whenever I test myself the result is different. I believe that it depends on where are you with whome you are or other factors.ย 

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@amyxx I totally agree, it's easy to express your thoughts in writing especially introvert 😆

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I'm an INTP, usually score crazy high on the introversion spec, usually in the 90th percentile.ย 

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@tituskrit You got it, it definitely feels like pseudo science bit i won't really put in the same category as other pseudo sciences like astrology, its a step above in my opinion. Just that there's way more nuance in human behavioral patterns than boxing em into strict labels. Funny thing is they've been requested a couple of times in some of my job applications.

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@divine One mistake I've noticed a lot of people make is conflating anti-social behaviors like shyness, poor physical communication, anxiety from and avoiding social interactions as introversion. The most talkative and social person in a room could be introverted, just that they have a smaller tolerance and time span they can engage in social interactions before they feel drained and would need to recharge by enjoying their solitude or alone time. The extrovert is the opposite with same applicable scenario.

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Admin Stoychev
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@amyxx Thank you I really appreciate your kind words ๐Ÿ™‚

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Arnie B
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I am INTJ but almost ENTJ >_<

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@ishtar That's true. An introvert can also be talkative and can easily make small talk. In fact, an extrovert gains energy from the company of others, while an introvert needs solitude more. Shyness and social anxiety do not mean introversion.

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Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@ishtar I agree with you! The loudest person in a room can be introverted. I mean have you seen people talking about things they are passionate about? No one can shut them up! Like you said, it all narrows down to how they re-energize. Introverted people will need time alone to recuperate after social interactions while extroverted people get energized from the same. It's so fascinating how multifaceted we are as human beings.

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