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Do you know your MBTI type?

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It is a very popular topic lately, and I am curious if you've heard about it. Are you extroverted or more of an introverted type?

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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I'm an INFP-A. Introverted. What's you MBTI type and do you think there are those types that do well in things like gambling? I would argue the logical types probably do better than the intuitive types since the former tend to be less neurotic and can keep their calm under pressure.

Also I have noticed from observation that introverted people are very loud online 😂. Maybe it's because it doesn't involve actual one on one interactions and they can type away in our bedrooms under the blankets 🤣

Admin Stoychev
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I have read a bit about this but never taken a test to see my personality type. I would say that I was fairly extroverted but this wasn't always the case. Believe it or not I used to be very introverted and wouldn't dream of contributing to a community like this one. Thankfully, I have changed myself!

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@divine It might sound strange, but I always get different results, so I don't know. But I feel like I'm more introverted too. There are also intuitive logical types; and I think that our personality type has much influence on how we play the games.

It's easier to express ourselves in writing, isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜€

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@graham Change is completely normal and is part of personality development. It's nice to see you as a member of this community!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 91)
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"Not necessarily, i don't think so, i think its a healthy mix of being loud and reserved"

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 91)
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Ive forgotten mine but its INTJ... Something like that. Definitely introverted.

Admin Stoychev
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I'm an INTP, which is like top 3 most indecisive personalities out there and it does affect a lot of my games 😭ย 

Admin Stoychev
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@amyxx I relate to this a lot, I was previously an INFJ and when i took another test it turned INTP. One thing didn't change though, both were consistent to being indecisive. Can't lie though, personality types do play a huge role when it comes to gambling and being INTP doesn't help either 😆

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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Yeah im a full on introvert. INTP if i remember correctly been a while i took the test. would find time to take it again. Was really into it at a point in time and sent it to all my friends for em to take it.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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@amyxx The test themselves sometimes comes across as repetitive and somewhat boring. Same question in 5 diff ways, could see how that would lead to different results and your state of mind when you took the tests as well.

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Yup I do. I did two tests. The infamous 16 personality one and the more accurate one on mbti subreddits and all say I am an INTJ!

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@ray Do you consider yourself a typical INTP? However, sometimes indecisiveness can come in handy, because then you think through all the options. ๐Ÿ™‚

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@facebook-bawootaigho Yes, the result probably depends on your mood and what kind of day you are having.

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