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Do you believe in good luck?

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Is there such a thing as bad or good luck? Do you have good days when everything goes well while playing? And other days are harder?

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I somewhat believe in luck. I think we need to because gambling does require luck to some extent. Although I think there are various ways to receive luck (?) since we do have varying beliefs others find luck in religion, others in manifestation, while others just generally believe that they themselves are lucky

Admin Stoychev
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I do believe in luck when gambling.. I can get superstitious at timesย 

Admin Stoychev
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Not any more. I was raised in a home with lots of superstitions that both my mother and grandmother drilled into me. Some of these you may have heard before and others you probably haven't. One of the classic superstitions that I will never forget is "never start new things on a Friday".

When I got my first motorcycle it was delivered to my home on a Friday. My mother and grandmother tried to lock me in the house so that I wouldn't ride the bike on the Friday. I waited until the Saturday to ride the bike. That bike caused me so much trouble. I was happy to get rid of it. When I challenged my mother and grandmother on this they would not have it that the superstition was wrong.

I believe that you make your own luck in this life and this applies to gambling as well. When I am placing sports bets I considered all of the possible variables before deciding on the likely outcome. If I am playing at an online casino I make sure that I am fully aware of the gameplay so that I can capitalize.

Luck does exist for sure and I have had my fair share of "good luck" but it is not something that I recommend you rely upon.

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Yes I do believe in luck and there are good and bad days in life not for game but for everything. But only luck is not enough, luck plus hard work and experience make you successful.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Leo

Stormy w
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Yes. As human beings we have a spiritual side, and luck falls in that side. Human nature would want to believe certain favorable occurrences don't just happen like that. So we explain as luck

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Not necessarily. Its just probability and some times the odds would be in your favour.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I think good luck plays somewhat of a factor in gambling but there are other aspects to be considered as well. Although I believe in good luck I don't really think its a major factor.ย 
