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Casino on a cruise ship.

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Admin Stoychev
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I know only a bunch reach to that level, but is here anyone who has been there. Only imagining, the wins and vast sea sends chills down the spine. How thrilling it must feel.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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Casinos on large cruise ships is fairly common everywhere I believe, especially in the states. There are some cruise ships though that prohibits/limits people from entering such areas. It does feel very bougee and luxurious though when you see one for the first time lol like it's a vegas trip.

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Ahhh imagination 😭😭 I always catch myself daydreaming about hitting the jackpot just walking into a random casino, placing one lucky bet, and suddenly winning it all. That moment where everything flips in your favor, itโ€™s wild to even imagine

Alice Mawia reacted
Admin Stoychev
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I have never been on a cruise ship and don't really have the desire to do this but I would imagine that playing in a casino in the middle of some ocean would be a lot of fun!

Arnie B
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I also wanna experience this for once... maybe after retirement 😭ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Nope I've never played at a casino on a cruise ship. Maybe one day I will if I ever get to go on a cruise haha

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@graham For real, i imagine for most people including myself its something they'd want to do at least once. like you said a casino there would be mad fun. Any particular reasons why no interest going on a cruise..

Admin Stoychev
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@ishtar In the UK, cruise ship vacations are mainly taken by retirees. I am no spring chicken, but it still doesn't appeal to me that much. Also, my wife is not really a "ship person" and I know she would get bored visiting the same shops all the time LOL

ishtar reacted
Admin Stoychev
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@adtya there is no limit to what you can imagine. I have heard that you first see it in your mind's eye before it becomes a physical reality 😉 . If, no scratch that, when I win a jackpot, I'm taking that cruise ship vacation without hesitation. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Unfortunately, I haven't even been on a cruise ship yet, although it would be nice one day. ๐Ÿ˜€

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@adtya Haha wouldn't we all want to experience this! I'd be so overjoyed if it did happen to me

Admin Stoychev
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It must be thrilling. Unfortunately I get sea sick fast and react poorly to lossesย 

Admin Stoychev
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Brother, that's too much imagination for today. Just kidding. Yeah, it must be absolutely toe curling to roll on a cruise like a G, while enjoying your best game.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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@adtya I want that! Or at least once in my life. My luck would have rained on me on that one day if it ever did

Admin Stoychev
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Being at the sea makes me dizzy for some reason. Though I can definitely see how it can seem luxurious for others but being dizzy while playing casino games is a bit hard for me especially if it's Poker.

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