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Aside from the obvious financial disadvantages, what additional side effects may excessive gambling have?

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Addiction, but are there other disadvantages?

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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It may affect your mental health and in return affect other people in your life like your family. A gambling addiction can lead to various mental health conditions once you spiral and may require professional help for a proper solution.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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It may lead to other social evils, like theft as you need money to play. You may also develop antisocial behaviors due to the addiction

Admin Stoychev
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I agree with the comments already made by other members here. Another thing to bear in mind is that if someone becomes so consumed with gambling they may start to think that life is not worth living without it. This can lead to severe cases of anxiety and depression if the person is unable to gamble for some reason.

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It may cause Losing confidence if you lose the game consistently.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 65)
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I think an additional side affect would be mounting debt without being aware of it. When you're so hell bent on trying to financiall recover from what you've spent you have this delusional belief that playing to earn winnings will somehow get you out not realizing you've dug yourself deeper into your own grave.
