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A succinct history of gambling

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Admin Stoychev
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Did you know that the very first record of gambling dates back to 2300 B.C. In 600 B.C., the civilization saw the first minting of currency. This happened in Lydia. In 800 A.D, China records the first instance of plying cards. In 1600, Italy invented the first casino.

Khalid Bedouin
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That's interesting. To me the part that feels most intriguing is that, how they first came up with those ideas.

Admin Stoychev
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Quite a history lesson going on here. Nevertheless, It's great to see such informative posts.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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It probably goes back even further with speculation of something happening.

Human beings love to think they know what is going to happen!

Admin Stoychev
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@khalidbedouin The human mind is fascinating. Can you imagine? As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. They probably were bored out of their minds and needed to fill that gap with something. Then over time they polished the rules and so on. There is mention of gambling in various religious texts and in Mesopotamia, dice made of bones from sheep were discovered. Tells you how far gambling dates.

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-hadihammadi hence the word succinct my guy 😆 But perhaps I should have titled it as "interesting history facts about gambling" 🤣

Admin Stoychev
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@lewisw Oh yeah. Definitely! I know we have made so much progress in figuring things out but probably we haven't scratched the surface yet.

Admin Stoychev
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These kinds of topics are very interesting to me because I also wanna know what the things they bet on in almost ancient times, like besides minerals or ores, the prices must be crazy!

Alice Mawia reacted
Admin Stoychev
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@ray In the bible the Roman soldiers wee caught betting on who would get his clothes. I imagine they placed bets on all sorts of things although during those early days gambling was not well received. If one was caught gambling the would be punished by hard labor such as working in the quarries. extra info here.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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@facebook-alicemawia yes i read this!

Admin Stoychev
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Gambling is probably as old as mankind, its just attaching value to chance and we have been dealing with chance and probability for long. Probably people bet on things like food initially or other things before the invention of currency

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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If it tracks back to 2300BCE does it then track to the oldest civilization which is the Sumerians of the ancient near east?

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Gamblingโ€™s been around since ancient times people were rolling dice before we even had currency! Imagine betting on which stone would roll the furthest. Fast forward, and now we have casinos instead of caveman bets!

Arnie B
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Crazy to think gambling has been around for so long. Itโ€™s wild how itโ€™s evolved from ancient times to the modern casinos we have today. 🤩ย 

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-kipkemboilagat It must be and we only have recorded dates because that's to the point we could trace it back to. We have been gambling since we were young and I don't think that has changed. Like placing bets on whether its going to rain or not, that must have been something people did back in the day.

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