A Florida couple tr...
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A Florida couple trailed and ambushed at their home after winning Jackpot at the Hard Rock Casino

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Stormy w
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A Florida couple was trailed and shot at their home after winning $3,300 jackpot at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Tampa. The perpetrators had watched the couple gamble and play slots for roughly two hours before tailing them home and attacking them. Here is the full story you can have a read. I'd like to hear your thoughts on how you protect yourself when you hit it big at the casinos.

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It just made me realize how cruel the world we live in. I can't of a reason why would they hurt other people just for money. Although I don't really play in casinos, I think it would be better if you're not going go home straight after playing, maybe you can burn some time in other populated places if you think you are being tailed, and ask for help right away.

Arnie B
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Wow, thatโ€™s crazy! Winning big can be risky. Iโ€™d definitely be more cautious and keep a low profile. Maybe avoid flaunting the winnings and consider some extra security measures. 😔ย 

Admin Stoychev
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Wow! That's really scary. I'm glad the perps were caught and the victims survived the ordeal. when I come across stories like this, its reminds me of how dangerous the world can be. Imagine going about your day and some people are just lurking in the shadows watching you. That's some scary stuff.ย 

adtya reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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Well that's incredibly scary and disturbing. I cant imagine being so happy to have got big winnings only to be end up getting hurt that very same night. This is what's so scary about winning big in physical casinos. If someone is watching you and has noticed there is definitly a danger.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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I saw thisโ€ฆ it may be hard to really put out malpractices but maybe more should be done to protect some winnersโ€™ identitiesย 

Admin Stoychev
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Stay safe out there, guys. I heard that drug problem is on the rise in the US, so they might have been drug addicts.ย 

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Thatโ€™s wild and super messed up. Winning big at a casino should be a celebration, not something that puts your life at risk. Itโ€™s a harsh reminder to stay low-key with your winnings and be super cautious. If you ever hit it big, donโ€™t head straight home maybe chill somewhere else first and keep an eye out for anyone acting sketchy. Safety first, always.

Admin Stoychev
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That's crazy! I'm just glad that they survived the ordeal. Danger lucks everywhere even in the places you would least expect. I've also learned a lesson from this. Stay vigilant.

Admin Stoychev
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Unfortunately, these kinds of incidents are not only happening in the US. A few years ago there were gangs that used to hide in the car parks of London casinos and target people that had won. They were obviously tipped off by an "inside man" who was watching the tables etc. Most land-based casinos will give you the option of taking a check for your winnings which is what I did the one time that I ever won any decent money at a casino (it was only a few hundred pounds and I was with several friends so I probably would have been OK).ย 

Admin Stoychev
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@graham Having your winnings paid out in check is a pro tip. I haven't thought about it.

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@graham That is pretty scary and this couple's murder is very tragic as well. Looks like winning at a physical casino is very very risky and poses serious threat to life

Skibidi Rizz
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thats so scary.. maybe thats why online casinos are invented

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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@facebook-jumperred Agreed, I wouldnt want this happening to me. Losing your life so quickly cause of money is such a sad way to go

Admin Stoychev
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@kayden48 For sure it is scary, there was a post today about one Las Vegas casino that was experiencing reduced revenue. Maybe this has something to do with it.

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