The gamblers fallac...
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The gamblers fallacy a myth?

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Admin Stoychev
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the Gambler's Fallacy: Are You Falling for It?

Ever wondered why some people believe their luck is about to change after a string of bad luck at the casino? This intriguing concept is known as the Gambler's Fallacy. It almost makes perfect sense that if you lose enough times you have to win eventually.

The definition for ย Gambler's Fallacy is the mistaken belief that if something happens more frequently than normal during a given period, it will happen less frequently in the future. But doesnt that make sense, can someone explain how is that a faulty thought? If i toss a coin the chances are %50 and lets say it came heads 3 times in a row, wouldnt it make sense that the possibility is altered in favour or tails?ย 

Of course i know casinos are well aware of this fallacy and often design games to exploit it. So my question is how do you think this affects your gambling experience? and Have you ever found yourself thinking a win was due after a series of losses?

Would love toย  hear your stories about this:D

Admin Stoychev
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Don't fall for the Gambler's Fallacy". I have done this in the past as I am sure many others have. Believing that a "losing streak will turn into a "winning streak" is just nonsense. I have lost a lot of money in the past believing this.

If you play at an online casino then the games you play will have no recollection of your past failures. They do not store your losses in special memory and feel sorry for you and suddenly let you win. There is a lot of luck involved in gambling but it makes sense to change your approach if you are losing often.

Relying on the Gambler's Fallacy is likely to result in you losing even more. Trust me I have been there ๐Ÿ™

Stormy w
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Can you predict the outcome of a roulette wheel spin or a coin toss? If youโ€™ve said yes, think again. Take an example where, youโ€™ve tossed a coin and it comes up heads, you may be inclined to predict the next toss will beย  tails. However, this is not the case. There is a 50/50 chance the coin may still land head, or it could land tails.ย 

The gamblerโ€™s fallacy, gamblerโ€™s myth, is thinking you can predict the next outcome of your gamble. The reality is that you can never predict. However, many gamblers swear they can predict outcomes which end up with them losing more.

Admin Stoychev
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Well, if it has the word "fallacy" in it, then it automatically implies that it appears to have a sequence of logical reasons that lead to an expected outcome, but that is not the case.

There are games where luck is greater or lesser as a determining factor. Some allow you to arm yourself with a strategy and maximize your chances of winning.

But definitely, if you're losing there's no such thing as "I've lost enough, now it's time to start winning" because that's an endless pit. A person who thinks like that probably is going to continue losing for a looong period of time. 😕

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I don't believe in Gambler's Fallacy. In my opinion, this is just a bias opinion wherein gamblers believe in a false notion past results can affect a random event's outcome. Don't fall for it because it can cause you to lose a lot of money. It may sound that I am contradicting myself but I'd rather believe in 'beginners luck' because of personal experience. I always somehow win when I'm trying out new games to play, but it is up to you on which one you will believe because at the end of the day, we should be responsible enough to take care of our money.

Admin Stoychev
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It's a fallacy for reason. It's a false belief that the likelihood of something increases or decreases depending on the frequency of this result during the previous iteration. The probability never changes so if I experience a two-loss already, I call it quits already because otherwise I might lose more trying to predict a win based on a fallacy.

Admin Stoychev
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@hildaw Predicting outcomes is best left for sports betting where your skill at doing this can certainly win you money. In the casino it is just a fallacy - I stopped believing in winning and losing streaks in casinos a long time ago because it was making me poor!

Stormy w
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@graham I agree with you. Predicting outcomes is best left to sports betting as there is a skill to it. In casinos, it will just make you poor.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I would not believe in the Gamblers' Fallacy. I think when you lose a consecutive amount of times its actually a sign to stop and take a breather. I think that mindset can get you stuck in a loop where you consistently keep trying and instead up losing more money than you originally planned to spend on betting for.ย 


I honestly believe casinos whether online or physical actually exploit this strategy which is quite said. Luck in itself is already risky exploiting something like this even more ex just adding to that risk.ย 

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Basically understanding the gambler's fallacy is important for making rational decisions when gambling. I recognize that each event is independent and this can help avoid the cognitive trap of expecting patterns where none exist.
