Stealing £240,000 of stock is some nasty work. He must have serious gambling problem. Hopefully, his prison sentence will help him reform his habits.
That manager is gone fr.
He is not redeemable
I can imagine the voice in his head preaching to him and pitching the idea.
Damn, the dream must have looked good 😂
Data analyst and crypto enthusiast
That's insane how some people have to stoop this low and resort to robbery. Nevertheless, always remember lads; keeping a control on your emotions is the win that we mostly overlook; but it's the real determinant.
I have rarely heard this and it is quite a sad situation. He is probably addicted and his feelings have taken over him. Hopefully he will learn from this.
Man really gambled away his moral compass too. That's a jackpot nobody wants to hit.
@adtya haha. That's hilarious. It reminds me of that other guy who gambled away $800k. I saw that he had taken some from his wife's account.
remember to always gamble responsibly. self-control is important