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Khalid Bedouin
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@facebook-tawheedahmad Your analysis is spot-on, you've pictured it very well. The part regarding reservation, damn man. I guess OM will have to look for other opportunities, gambling being on of them. But setting limits is important.

Admin Stoychev
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Thanks brother. Gambling, in limit, is not a problem.

Admin Stoychev
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@graham Thanks man.

Admin Stoychev
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@khalidbedouin Most of the states will follow the same route, western influence is rocketing. Plus the youth want it. So the Govt will definitely go lenient on gambling.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 75)
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No restrictions or bans here, just crypto was being clamped down on a while back.

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With how in India we have famous sportspeople and celebrities promoting online gambling and betting sites very openly via ads and all, this was bound to happen. I wonder how they will regulate it though as Indian teens can get very addicted to gambling easilyย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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We dont have many regulations here but the tax and cuts on winnings here are quite substantialย 

Khalid Bedouin
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@kayden48 Yeah, there are already millions, if not lakhs, of kids betting money on Dream 11, and the government is fine with it. Also, the point of stars promoting it does make it more propagation prone.

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@khalidbedouin indeed. Teenagers here are getting addicted to gambling with time it seems

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I'm from India myself and earlier I used to play rummy and made quite some money but later on due to the ban, it all went down the drain. Now that the ban has been lifted, I feel like I might get into the game again and try my luck because why not right?

Khalid Bedouin
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@zeeno Absolutely, while setting up a limit on your daily spend on gambling, especially in a country like India; you can earn good.

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Wow, this is insane if you know how strict the indian government has been on this topic, it is going to be interesting to see how this will continue.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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To my knowledge there arent any bans or restrictions where we are; but maybe I'm just not updated haha. This is as far as I know

Admin Stoychev
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I don't think we have such strict rules and even if they are there, they are not so much enforced. Maybe against underage gambling

Arnie B
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Here in the Philippines, gambling regulation is pretty light, and online gambling is still a bit of a gray area.

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