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Gambling on Family and Friends

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I have seen guys gamble on anything. I am wondering what's the general ethical and moral standing on betting on family? I wonder if it's something I would find myself doing.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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I think betting on family bears a heavy risk of being accused of having an edge on account of insider information. This as a result may result to the family member being subjected to severe sanctions. But I think people still do it.

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Honestly, betting on family seems like a slippery slope.Money and family don't always mix well.Anyone here had family drama from gambling?

Admin Stoychev
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Posted by: @agirlmustbe

I have seen guys gamble on anything. I am wondering what's the general ethical and moral standing on betting on family? I wonder if it's something I would find myself doing.

@agirlmustbe What do you mean by betting on family? Do you mean if someone from your family is involved in sport and you're betting on his/her team?


Hungry for knowledge ๐Ÿง

Admin Stoychev
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I have been gambling for years and I am a little confused by this. The only time I have bet on my family was when my cousin (professional gambler) was playing poker against some guys that I didn't know. I had a side bet of ยฃ50 with another bystander that my cousin would win and he did ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Admin Stoychev
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Betting on family as in using them as a bet? That's a big no no for me, that's some movie level of risk if that's what you are talking about.ย 

Skibidi Rizz
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what do u mean by betting on family ?

This post was modified 1 month ago by Skibidi Rizz

Admin Stoychev
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What do you mean with this question? Do you mean betting on family members who are part of a team playing sports and such?

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Do you mean using them as a bet? If yes than that's morally, ethically and legally wrong in my opinion

Khalid Bedouin
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Are you mentally sane, what kind of question is this. Practices as such used to happen in the dark ages and today such practices are not only considered barbaric but they can get you to jail. Keep the forum clean of such bullshit. It's a nice informative place, let it be.

Admin Stoychev
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What is betting on family. Kindly expound on it

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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I don't think I could ever bet on family or friends. That's where I draw the line; not only is it risky it's also personal to me so it would only fuel my emotions which in return would only ruin my chances of winning if I ever think of doing this which I can't imagine for the life of me.

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@heyitsky very true. I agree with you. Betting on family is very very low of people and no one should be doing it. It's unfair to the family members as well

Admin Stoychev
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@agirlmustbe I really hope you don't mean gambling on family as putting them as the bet instead of some currency. Betting on relative, who is good at sports can prove profitable. Other than that, I always gamble on the resources I am willing to lose.ย 

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Posted by: @agirlmustbe

I have seen guys gamble on anything. I am wondering what's the general ethical and moral standing on betting on family? I wonder if it's something I would find myself doing.

hey man...we are concerned what u mean by this. Do you wanna share exactly what u mean by betting on family?
I mean either they play a sport or something and u bet on them winning or losing, if that's the case then it's alright in my opinion as long as it doesn't hurt their sentiments.
If u mean betting them as in keeping them as collateral or something then you might wanna stop.

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