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EPIC & Signify partnered to protect athletes from gambling harm and online abuse

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For context: Epic Global Solutions delivers solutions to help prevent the destructive effects of gambling-related harm. Signify Group uses AI and publicly available data to focus on issues that needs to be addressed.

EPIC and Signify have partnered to combat online abuse in sports related to sports betting. The partnership aims to protect athletes, coaches, teams, and sport organizations that are being targeted and harassed online in related to online sports betting. You can read more here.

I think this is a great step moving forward as I've seen a lot of people harassed athletes/organizations online. For example, a famous Esports player has received numerous death threats since his team is under performing. You can read more here.

I will be attaching another form of harassment received by the organization of the Esports player I mentioned above. The translation is not exact but you get the gist. "Incompetent coaching staff, ambiguous operating philosophy, rigid BP. The fans have no hope. Led by director kkOma, the performance is getting worse. Fire director kkOma."


Admin Stoychev
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That's an amazing cause by EPIC and Signify. Bullying is straight up evil. But I'm curious how this is going to work? By having bullies banned from platforms?ย 

Admin Stoychev
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I'm glad that there is a positive activism performed regarding this topic as many people don't treat these organizations and players like real humans. I do wonder though how effective it will be or how impactful the probable results may be.ย 

Arnie B
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Itโ€™s really sad to see how toxic things can get, especially in the sports and eSports worlds. This partnership between EPIC and Signify seems like a much-needed step to help protect those involved from online abuse. Hopefully, it makes a real difference and keeps the focus on the game, not the hate.

Admin Stoychev
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This has really opened my eyes @evcj_ as I was unaware that this was a big problem. I am not too surprised given the things that go on with social media and the hate that some people seem to store up. There have been a few instances where footballers have been abused so I shouldn't be too surprised that it happens in other sports as well.

I am a big fan of sports betting but if a team or a player loses and my bet goes west I wouldn't even dream of going online and abusing that player. I win and lose bets all the time and I put this down to my judgment. If my bet loses it is my fault for choosing the wrong option. The focus for me after that is to find the next winning bet. It's very disturbing to me that this sort of thing is happening.

Admin Stoychev
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@graham Yes, I agree with you 100%. The psychological burden of players in any sport or eSports is huge. Sometimes, we as fans can forget that they are actual human beings with real feeling just as us. More causes such as this one should be made.

Admin Stoychev
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As a pro, you should never go to read comments about you on the internet. I think that if you do so and this is somehow messing up with your head, the problem is yours. You have a choice about whether to read what people are saying or not.

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Wow abusing athletes because you lost your money that you willingly bet is crazy. The athletes deserve better! I hope they are protected well

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@dany I have heard coaches and teams make sure athletes don't read comments online by taking away their phones before or after any match as it really messes with their head but of course you can only try to keep the negativity away

Skibidi Rizz
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Thats good news. All of these bullies should be banned from using the internet!!

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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People treat athletes as if the ae not human. There is a certain element of otherness that's associated with players. I'm glad measures are being taken to protect them. The internet and fans can be cruel. Good job EPIC and Signify.

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@graham Yup, this happens a lot. I also think popularity plays a huge role since most of the athletes that receive online abuse are either the players that are the best in what they do or at least plays for the best teams in the world.ย 

Note: I saw a recent study related to this post and I thought some of the people here in this thread might want to read it. You can read it here.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 55)
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that's so appalling. Why would people target the athletes when they willing gave up money to bet on them or their team. That's so messed up. They are well aware there are chances of winning or losing. Its never guaranteed that you win everytime

Admin Stoychev
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@evcj_ You will never stop jealous people spreading this kind of negativity online. I am not an athlete but I always try to ignore these vindictive comments whether it be famous athletes or other celebrities. I honestly think that it all stems from jealousy - I don't have a lot of time for social media and only use it to contact people.ย 

I will never understand how people can be glued to social media 24/7. I know this is a bit off-topic but it never ceases to amaze me how some people have to immediately react to every meaningless notification etc. Personally, I have more important things to do with my time than to see what my family members had for lunch ๐Ÿ™‚

Admin Stoychev
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@strahil Well said that man! You always make great points my friend!

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