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What do you think about combining blockchain technology with artificial intelligence?

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I am not really a big fan of AI (based on work experience) so I am curious about what are the innovative applications it can bring to blockchain technology?

Admin Stoychev
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This is already happening. Businesses that have moved to a blockchain environment are now using AI to analyze data and make important decisions with it. Companies like IBM are involved in this now so they obviously see the potential. I am not against AI - it still has a long way to go. But you cannot ignore it as it is being used for so many applications these days.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 66)
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That sounds very interesting Graham; this is a new to me although I'am familiar with artificial intelligence but not necessarily blockchain technology in particular. I see though that there seems to be a lot of potential for this combo.ย 

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@graham It is certain that artificial intelligence affects and will affect everything.

Admin Stoychev
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@amyxx That's what a lot of people believe. I am trying to think of a way that AI and blockchain could be helpful to us players. Data mining from a blockchain network is probably not easy at all and I doubt that it would be easy to get Ethereum or one of the other big players to allow you to do this. Security is everything with crypto and if anyone can start digging around for information then this must be a risk!

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Admin Stoychev
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@amyxx Yeah, AI is slowly but surely entering in all aspects of life. I don't have any doubts that it will be implemented in the blockchain technology sooner or later.

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I think this is not good idea to use AI in work environment because it reduces the human work force and that can bring a tragedy.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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one of the most popular things that I have seen being talked about in regard to the integration of Blockchain technology and AI is how it's going or it's already enhancing efficiency while also enforcing security. On one hand, AI allows business to automate their tasks/work which translates to efficiency. Blockchain on the other hand provides businesses with a super secure approach to transactions. Which from outside looking in, it looks like an impeccable marriage of the two.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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@facebook-divineflo yes these 2 technologies are changing almost every indstry right now. But I am sometimes scared from the impact of the AI use. Recently watched the movie Terminator and thought that the plot is actually happening right now.

Hungry for knowledge ๐Ÿง

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 73)
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@anton I agree. AI feels like we have opened a Pandora box that's accelerating at a speed we can't tame. I don't know how to describe it. Yes so far the benefits probably outweighs the cons but it does feel like we are racing to set off an explosion and there is no going back. I should watch Terminator haha.

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Stormy w
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The combination of technologies yields new frontiers. Combining blockchain technology with artificial intelligence is already happening. For example blockchain has created decentralized AI where you have AI data networks and algorithms distributed across a network of nodes.ย 

Admin Stoychev
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@leo This is a sad fact but it will not stop more businesses and organizations adopting AI for repetitive tasks etc. Human history is littered with these kinds of things going back to the industrial revolution and before that. AI has affected my business quite badly but I have embraced it now and I am looking for ways that I can use it to provide services to businesses.

IMO AI will never completely replace the need for human labor. Computers and the Internet didn't do that and the best way to look at these things is that change is inevitable. Who knows what the next "big thing" will be? AI has a lot of flaws at the moment and I have no doubt that these will be resolved in the future. We live in an ever-changing world and people need to be prepared to adapt.

If I can adapt at 65 years old then younger people certainly can!

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@graham I agree that AI can not replace human but as a matter of fact it reduces the the opportunities for human work force. After all I believe everything has its advantages and disadvantages but for sure we need to be prepared to adapt.

Admin Stoychev
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@leo You are right that we need to adapt.

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 81)
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That'll be interesting in coming future. The use of artificial intelligence will for sure help.ย 

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