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Need suggestion about next competition

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@graham Yes i think it will and the unpredictability of the epl would make it more fun. I know even some ladies, my colleagues who participate in fpl as well, so even members who are non football fans can participate as its easy to follow.

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@anton That's true especially for members that might not be too familiar with the sport so they can participate to increase participants and activity on the forum.

Admin Stoychev
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@kayden48 We will announce soon all the details about the game so stay tuned! 😉

Admin Stoychev
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@anton I agree. We cannot assume that everyone is familiar with yellow/red cards, under/over goals and all of the other betting markets related to football and the EPL. At least we should start with a simple competition and then look at making it more complicated if that is what the majority of people want. Personally I am fine with just 12X

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@dany That's cool. Excited for new competition now!

Admin Stoychev
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@kayden48 Are you a football fan or you just like the participate in competitions? 🤩

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@dany Both!

Admin Stoychev
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Skysport's Super 6s in the UK is great fun where you guess the football scores for each weekend.

There is a huge jackpot too!ย 

Admin Stoychev
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I think betting on UFC fights would take this forum to whole another level. Already so many active members here, we can expect even more.ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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@facebook-yemburzalkhan oh yeah, UFC would definitely light the whole community ablaze.

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Consider teaming up with TikTok, IG, and X influencers in the gambling niche and let them spread the word about what's happening on the platform and how their followers could benefit from joining.

Collabs with TG and Discord communities for giveaways like cash, gambling credits, etc.

Ray reacted
Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 96)
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@lateathelete69 I like this idea. the community would blow up the admins would need extra hands to help with moderation.

Admin Stoychev
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I think we should do, who does most posts in a day. Posts should be relevant and informative. What do y'all think?ย 

Admin Stoychev
(@Anonymous 92)
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With the prem coming back in a few days you could probably look into a competition on that. A different theme each match week and probably people could have their inputs on the expected top 4 and what notย 

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Brainstorming for an ideaย 

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